Choose Fear or Love?
There are a lot of fears that we live with in today's lifestyle. The media does not help with rectifying these fears but rather further exacerbates them.
With each fear that one holds, comes with a protector of that fear. The protector is a creation of our ego to assist us in never experiencing that fear for the first time or ever again.
There is nothing wrong with our protectors, they work flawlessly in how one designs them, but as Carl Jung so brilliantly stated "what you resist, not only persists but grows in magnitude."
If your fears that you avoid dealing with grow in magnitude, so do the protectors, resulting in you closing your world in smaller and smaller.
Fear, amongst many things, often rejects the insight of love. If one is so caught up in the habits of their life and starts to see how negative these habits have made their lives and longs for a change. The protectors step in and stop the progress over the fear of "what if this doesn't go the way you want it?" thus continuing you in the negative cycle.
When you face your fears, it can be scary and painful for a period of time but the growth and freedom that you gain as a result of confronting them instead of avoiding them surpasses that initial pain.
The love that you will feel for yourself once you overcome the hurdle will give you the courage and confidence to tackle more fears, feeling you up even more so and experiencing even more love.
Growing pains