A Gift To the World
A gift to the world is given to one person

A Shift In Perception

Are You Quick Witted?

Blind Man, Deaf Man

You Fear Yourself More Than Actual Threats

Are We More Mad …?

Good Things Coming

Choose Fear or Love?

Does It Feel Right?
I've noticed quite often, within myself as well as the clients I have worked with over the past few years, is that people confuse the sensation of what feels "right" with what feels "familiar".
When I explore this deeper with individuals i ask "how do you know this is right?" To which they respond "well I know such and such will happen if I do 'x'". Which on surface level this sounds suffice. They go on to say "I've done this before and it worked" or "I want to get back to where I was"
My response to this is "if what you did worked in the manner that you claim, you also have to be aware that it worked to get you to where you are now, desiring more or further away from where you vision to be. Where you were has led you to where you are"
What feels right should not be something that is "known," that is going back to what feels familiar. What feels right is a state of willingness surrender to the unknown. Following the guidance of your intuition (God, the Universe, Spirit, whichever you call it) blindly with faith, knowing that it will work out but not knowing how it will work out.
If it feels familiar, to the degree you can understand, then more than likely it is not "right" for you and will only stunt your growth or push you further away from your growth.

Nothing Is Lost…
One thing that, I would say the vast majority of Americans, experience is the essence of losing something.
I want you to entertain this thought, nothing is ever lost. Many profound leaders have understood this in their own way.
What does it mean to "lose" something? It has been placed elsewhere until you are ready to receive it fully. Then it will come back to you in full force. Life hands us things for us to experience the possibility of maintaining that state of being. Quite simply the experiences we go through are merely a taste of what life has to offer us.
Loss of love? The truth is you lost the love for yourself at some point, once you understand that you cannot love anyone unless you love yourself first then you will receive love from all and you will be able to see love from all forms and perspectives.
Loss of a job? Let go of your attachment to havening to have that specific job and see that you are ready to embark on a new journey, one that will bring you to new levels.in your life.
Loss of a loved one? Learn to understand them for where they are now, instead of consistently looking for them where they were and you will never be alone.
The struggle is to accept the things you don't have as if you already do have them. Much like a telephone call when you are placed on hold, they will return with new information once they have obtained it. You are both the waiter and the receiver.
Get off hold 🤔